Saturday, June 5, 2010

I'm Back Snitchezzzz!!!!

I'm baaaackkkk!!!!!

Thank Jehovah, I'm back!!! I don't know how I made it for so long in this country without internet, but I did . . . and now I'm back! Okay, let me get to the point.

I moved to Japan 3 weeks ago and without internet, obviously I was not able to blog about my experiences. However, I've been writing down every. single. thing. that has happened. So I'll start by catching you up on all of the juicy morsels of my experiences thus far. You may see more than one post in a day, but just know that I am catching you all the way up. Also, there is another blog that will feature some generic (i.e. family friendly) stories and pictures (yes, pictures) of my some random Black girl that I don't know nor have any connections to whatsoever's experiences. She seems cool, so feel free to frequent her blog whenever you get a chance. The addy is . . .

So that's all I got! Stay tuned snitches!

(Oh and thanks Manfriend for blogging on my behalf a little bit, even though you put our business out on the street! So freaking mushy . . . Gawd!)


  1. YAY! I'm glad to see you're around again. As in, on the net. Getchoself a twitter and talk to me!

  2. I'm scared of twitter, LOL. And I am soooo ready to start contributing to your domesticated Fridays!!!

  3. I'm so effing happy that you are back!!! I was stalking your blog every now and again just looking for updates!!! I even semi-interrogated the Man Friend, and if he doesn't have any wierdo tendencies honey KEEP HIM!!! So glad that you are back!!! I updated both blogs! Holla at me!
