Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My 100th Post

So I was looking at my Dashboard today and noticed that this is my 99th post. Wow! I can't believe that I am just one post away from 100. I'm thinking about making my 100th post special, like my first day in Japan or something (but that's almost a month away). So I have no clue what to do.

Any suggestions? Friends, followers, lurkers I can see you what do you think? Anything you want to know? Holla atcha girl! (Is that still cool to say?)

Well, that's it!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Facebook Peeves

So I have a bunch of things to do. I have some reading to get caught up on and some Japanese words to recite over and over again. Am I doing those things? As you can see, the answer to that question would be a big fat N-O. So how does one make the best of their procrastination? By going on Facebook, of course. Facebook and procrastination go together like peanut butter and jelly. So while on Facebook today, I've noticed a few things that kind of get on my nerves.

First of all . . . why do people request your friendship over and over again? What is really the point? And then when (or if) you finally accept their friendship they have nothing to say? Again, what is the point? Looking at my pictures is really worth getting denied over and over again? Just give up!

Also, and I will give the disclaimer that I am a Christian, but with that said I find it so annoying when people use Facebook like a pulpit. I am very happy with my religion and I understand that you want to share your "blessed-ness" with everyone but seriously, I don't want to hear your prayer to God. I think it sounds preachy, pretentious and insincere. Your prayers and personal relationship with God should be sacred, not a "status" on freaking Facebook.

Another Facebook thing that I find annoying are the "I'm so busy and important" updates. Now I may sound like a hater with this one, but I notice (in my particular case) that these kinds of updates only seem to come from my fraternity brothers (who I will not mention except to say Black and Gold). Now I have nothing against these brothers and I appreciate the contributions they make to society, but I swear that they are one group of men who absolutely love to brag tell you about themselves and how busy they are wearing a suit, working in an office and being important. Newsflash . . . people who are important in real life, don't brag about it on Facebook. I have already deleted 2 of these guys off of my page.

Last but not least are the "I am your cousin's pastor's best friend's god-daughter's next door neighbor's Uncle. Let's be friends." Umm . . . let's not. And then of course, they request your friendship again. *Sigh*

All right, that's all I got for now. What annoys you about Facebook (besides the fact that there should be a dislike button)?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Last Day at Work and A Little Background on My Life

Today was my last day at work. After 5 years of blood, sweat and tears I have finally ended this chapter in my life. Everyone at my job was all pouty faced and sentimental . . . some of them (people who I've never seen acting like serious adults) telling me that they'd miss me, things aren't going to be the same without me and attempting to drop some words of wisdom on me before I took my final steps down the hallway leading out to the door. I took a bunch of pictures and got a little nostalgic at times, coming to terms with good and bad memories that will now be a part of my immediate and later on, distant past. Now some of yall might think I'm being a little dramatic right now, but this job was my whole life for 5 years. 5 YEARS!

Allow me to take you down memory lane for a minute.

In the Beginning . . .
It all started with an internship. My senior year of college, I decided that I needed to get an internship and immediately started going on hunts to look for one. At one media networking event for college students, I squeezed my way through a crowd to meet an asian reporter at one of the leading news stations in my area. She told me that I started looking for an internship waaay to late and the odds of me landing one at her station (the biggest one in town) or any station for that matter was slim to none. She then pointed in the direction of a lonely man standing in the corner and said, "Maybe you should try the people over at the WB." (Cue the "womp womp woooomp" sound effect.)

So fast forward a couple months, I managed to get accepted into an internship in a strange way. One day I was sitting at a panel discussion and a bunch of anchors, reporters, DJ's and maybe 2 executive heads were telling us college students about life working in news television, radio, and tv production. All of the students in the room were in typical college gear - you know, sweatshirts, pajama bottoms and flip flops. I wore a business suit and to this day, I think this was what helped me to stand out in this crowd of over 150 students. That and when the event was over, everyone bee-lined for the anchors, reporters and DJ's while yours truly made a bee-line over to the executive heads. "I want to be a director, how do I go about doing that?" I asked one of the executive heads that was especially staring at me during the panel discussion and handed her my resume. The lady (who'd just finished basically dismissing some dude in front of me with "yeah, yeah, uh huh, okay, thanks, bye!") said to me, "Wait one second! I am going to give you the cell phone number of our main guy. I want you to call him and if he says he's busy, you call him again and again, okay? Don't give up!" "Okay," I said and long story short, I called the guy, we arranged a meeting and the next thing you know I was getting water for the same asian reporter who told me I wouldn't get an internship anywhere.

Getting Hired . . . Or in My Case, Never Leaving
So I did my internship and tried as hard as I could to learn everything. Despite this one guy that was a major suck up in our little group of 5 maybe 6 people, I still managed to stand out amongst my peers. By the time the internship was drawing to a close, everyone knew who I was and what I intended to do. I applied for a million and one jobs after I graduated and ended up with a sucky temp job that had absolutely nothing to do with my field of study and was so boring that when I would arrive at the building every morning I would sit in my car for maybe 15 minutes crying and willing the place to implode. That didn't happen, but fortunately, an opening (for the lowest possible position) at the station I did my internship with opened up and I applied and landed the job. This was the beginning of my working odd hours. I worked Monday through Friday, from 4am to 8am earning 10 dollars an hour not counting, of course, the hour it took for me to get to the place because I lived 65 miles away. I made about one hundred dollars a week but when you subtract for toll and gas (and this was around the time gas prices skyrocketed) it was really more like 35 dollars a week. And I didn't even count the cell phone bill, because the cell phone stayed disconnected. So I did this for a while and would train on different machines for about 4 more hours after my shift ended. This and I volunteered my time to working as many major televised events as I possibly could (to the point that I am still notorious for being the girl who has at one time worked in every single department in the building). So yeah, I was hawngry!

Anywhoosits, all of that training finally paid off and I was able to land a much better paying job working overnight weekends and filling in during the week.

A Stepping Stone or a Slump?
I began this last job, hoping that it would be a stepping stone to my dream job and applied for different positions every weekend while at work. There were not a lot of responses, but I didn't care. I was working local events and busily building up my resume with special projects and live productions that my company would put on. After my resume got healthier, I began to get some feedback. I found myself driving out to interviews and at one point, was even flown out to an interview. Still, nothing. Rejection is a part of this industry, I told myself, one day I'll get something. A year passed by and I was still hungry, working as many hours as possible, applying for things and getting rejected. In the meantime, I became that friend. You know? The one that never gets out. My love life was pathetic and I found myself putting up with pretty-much anything so that I could have some kind of companionship.

Before I knew it, 3 years had passed by. At this point, I was feeling restless and worried that there was something terribly wrong with me and I would be stuck at this place forever. I was embarrassed and felt that I'd turned into the "former intern" who just couldn't seem to move on. I remember that particular year, someone said to me, "What happened? It seemed like you used to have goals but now . . . it's like you're stuck in a rut or something." That comment still pisses me off to this day, lol. Either way, I was in a strange place. A purgatory (if you will). Too qualified for the beginner jobs and not qualified enough for everything else. I worked enough to get by, but not enough to do anything more. I went into a depression, sneaking in and out of my job using the backdoor stairwell. I stopped speaking to people, would break into tears at my desk and found myself sitting outside of the building and praying for the place to explode. Also, my boyfriend at the time (who was also one of my coworkers - yeah, I know, bad idea) was cheating on me and it also didn't help that a really ugly rumor was flying around about me at work. So I did what everybody does when they're going through some ish in life . . . I took my butt to church.

This lifted my spirits to a degree and allowed me to put my energies toward something that felt more fulfilling. I started to inadvertently let things go. Like my apartment. It took up about 75% of my paycheck and at this point in my life, I started dating the man-friend and spent most of my time at his place anyway so I (verbally) decided that I was going to move into another apartment but ended up just crashing with him instead. So a year goes by, and I'm still mailing out applications to no avail. My relationship with coworkers began to cool off since I didn't see them as much and I began hanging with my church friends and involving myself in more "spiritual" activities. I decided that I didn't want my job to become my life, but still attempted to find something full-time. This time, I kept my mouth shut about any job prospects, thinking that maybe I'd been jinxing myself all these years. I stayed focused and to a degree, got a little bit of my "strength" back when it came to dealing with rejections. Within that 2 year period, I saw 4 of my closest friends get engaged, get married and have children. I never got jealous of them because I knew that wasn't my path in life, but I continued to wonder when my life was going to finally take that dramatic twist and I would land the television job of my dreams.

A Revelation
So whilst having a typical (or long) conversation with my mom about life, the topic of applying for jobs came up and my mother says, "Arnetta, I think you're going to have to seriously consider looking outside of the box."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Maybe you should look for jobs outside of this area," she replied.

"I already do that."

"Yeah, but maybe you should look into doing something different (pause) something different and far away," she said, hesitating for a moment. "I don't know . . . something told me to tell you that."

"Okay," I said.

And the rest is history.

26 Days.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Buy Me an Amazon Kindle . . . Pleeease!!!

I have had a great couple of weeks, despite all of the busy-ness and stress. I say this because when you're telling a bunch of people that you plan on leaving the country, that's when everybody gets all sentimental and nostalgic. People have been scheduling appointments with me like I'm the hottest hairstylist in town. My calendar is filled with all of my best friend's names. Saturday I saw a bunch of my friends together at the same time (how about them apples), Tuesday dinner with Shalanda, Wednesday happy hour with Tameka, Friday with Sheryl and so on and so forth. It's like an unending parade of my favorite people. I have to start telling everyone I'm leaving the country more often, lol.

One thing that kind of sucks, though, is that I just ruined my surprise Bon Voyage party. Actually, the man-friend did. He planned a week vacation without checking in with the party committee and everything was planned on the same day and my mom had to confess to me why I just couldn't leave for Florida on April 24th. That kind of sucked, because I love surprises and have never really gotten a chance to actually experience one for myself. :-(

What it all boils down to, though, is that I need an Amazon Kindle in my life. I just need it! I'm tired of looking over the shoulder of the guy on the train. I want one for myself. But money is tight right now so all I can do is just dream (and continue to drop serious hints).

Time to email this video to friends and family! Toodle-Loo!

Officially Off the Hampster Wheel

So for those of you who (actively) follow me . . . does anyone remember the job interview post I did a couple months ago? You know?

Well, it didn't exactly go like that, but hopefully the picture (which is also a link) rings a bell. Now does anyone remember that this whole "job opportunity" came up at the same exact time that I had to purchase my plane ticket for Japan? Also, does anyone remember that I interviewed for the position because one of the head honchos at my job was really adament about my applying for it? Remember how he answered all of my post-interview questions as if I already had the job (i.e. "When are you looking to fill the position Mr. So-and-so?" "Well, when will you be done with you're current job, Arnetta?") Does anyone remember how I (for a split second) wondered whether I should consider taking this job, rather than going to Japan because it seemed like it was "already in the bag"? And I did that post asking everyone which side they were on . . . team Japan or team "stay my butt at home - with the manfriend and pup - in the United States"? Remember how I haven't really wrote anything about it since?

Well that was 2 months ago and believe it or not, I still have not heard anything back from the guy. (Not that I care at this point). But let me give you some background as to what happened after the interview. I called the guy up every other day to find out if the position had been filled to which he always said, "No, but I will let you know next week." I dropped a "Thank You" note on his desk a week and a half after the interview, to cover all bases. I made sure to show my face around the area in order to show that I am actively engaged in the workplace (or something like that). Now allow me to mention that I have some "over-achiever" issues. In other words, I am always going to try to do things to the best of my ability. So despite the fact that I had the Japan job in the bag, I didn't want to slack on my interview because that's just not my style. And regardless of knowing that this job may not have been what I wanted at this time in my life, I was still going to beat out the competition and go for it like I wanted it. (And yes, deep down I kind of wanted's what I went to school for after all.)

So time passed by and I got more involved with another project and pretty much gave up hope for the job that I'd interviewed for. I figured that after all of this time, I probably didn't get it anyway and I was thankful that I ended buying the plane ticket to Japan. (And a special shout out to Islandbaby and Stephanie for voicing your "team Japan" opinions.) So the day that I gave my two weeks notice (last week) I heard through a bird that they offered the position that I interviewed for to some random outsider and that she TURNED IT DOWN because it was part-time and had LOUSY HOURS. Allow me to be petty for a moment.

Aaaagh hahahahahaha!!!! In your FACE!!!! You could have just hired me! I was ready and willing to do that job months years ago but now I'm heading out to a different country! Good luck finding another sucker to waste 5 years of their life doing overnight weekends.

Ahem! All right, I'm back. But seriously, if I didn't already believe the devil existed before this . . . I would be a believer right about now. Could you imagine if I didn't buy that plane ticket, how hard I would be kicking myself?! That whole situation was set up perfectly. I had the job that I'd always wanted being dangled in front of me like a carrot, at the very moment that I decided to tear myself away from the hampster wheel and attempt to live a fulfilling life. It still makes me shiver.

Either way, now I am POSITIVE that I was supposed to leave my current job and that although I am making a life altering decision and will be away from my man, my family, my friends, and my son dog, everything is going to be okay and I will finally start living the fulfilling life that God has in store for me. I guess that was the final mental boundary that I had to break through in order to take this huge leap. So at this point, all doubts have been removed and the countdown begins.

Off to Japan in exactly 30 days.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Bag n' Tag . . . I'm It!!!

So now that the workaholic marathon month is over and I finally have a few minutes to myself, I have decided to get to this Bag n Tag that my deary RebelMel tagged me for like a million years ago. So without further ado this . . .
. . . is my bag!

And this here . . .
is what's inside of my bag.

Allow me to take you on a tour here.

First of all, this is my "churchy" bag. I mainly take this bag with me to church, but have been taking it to work over the past couple months because I've been too busy to switch things out. Also, I needed some of that bible literature to stop me from punching people in the face. Sooo
#1 - There's my bible (inside of a plastic zip lock bag) and a daily scripture book
#2 - Some highlighters and pens
#3 - A little makeup bag that I got from my grandmom's garage almost twenty years ago. Actually, I think it's like a man's mini shaving kit bag, but I use it to hold makeup in.
#4 - A little notebook
#5 - A change purse with chinese design all over it
#6 - A ponytail holder
#7 - Two receipts - one for a leather jacket I got at "Daffy's" for $90 and the other for a pair of shades that I bought yesterday for $13.99
#8 - Some index cards
#9 - Another notebook (looove those black and white composition books)
#10 - Yet, another notebook (this one grey)
#11 - Some colorful bookmark tabs
#12 - A credential from an event I worked almost 2 years ago.
#13 - A red pencil sharpener
#14 - A small pack of Altoids (the curiously strong mint!)
#15 - A french tip manicure set (I guess, just in case I decide to do my nails on the train?? *shrugs*)
#16 - Some lotion
#17 - Seven cents
#18 - A pair of tweezers
#19 - A makeup pencil, some lipgloss and a small mirror that I received as a gift for being someone's bridesmaid (and never the bride . . . long sigh!)
#20 - A little bag of tissue
#21 - A camera

Are you really still reading? Wow! Well, okay . . . then, here's another bag for you to peruse. This is more of a casual bag for me. The straps have gotten worn, so I don't use it as much. But here are the contents.
#1 - Some passport pictures that I took a couple months ago.
#2 - $1.21 (Where the *expletive* was all of this change when I got that $72 ticket for not putting another quarter in the meter???)
#3 - Contact case
#4 - My old cell phone
#5 - Trash
#6 - Two packs of matches (just in case I decide to start smoking??? *more shrugs*)
#7 - My registration
#8 - A tampon and a pad
#9 - My checkbook (wish it was the manfriend's checkbook :-)
#10 - Yet another white nail polish, french tip manicure pen. (And my nails are needing that touch up right now . . . maybe it's a sign)
#11 - A pack of cards
#12 - Two lipglosses (that are very old and have probably dried out), some eyeshadow, an eyeshadow brush and an eyeliner pencil
#13 - A pencil sharpener
#14 - A pen and a highlighter
#15 - A small, silver hair clip

And I think that about completes that bag.

Now last, but certainly not least there's the small "I'm-in-a-rush-and-don't-feel-like-carrying-everything-in-the-whole-world-so-let-me-just-grab-this-and-bounce" bag.
And here are the contents . . .
#1 - Being that I carried this bag today, my wallet is in there. (The wallet is the only thing that switches out of each bag)
#2 - Two highlighters of course (I'm beginning to realize that I do a lot of highlighting)
#3 - A pen
#4 - $1.79 in change. (Again, where was all of this freaking change coming from after I've already racked up those stupid parking tickets???!!!)
#5 - A train ticket
#6 - A button that I've been telling myself I would sew back onto my outfit (and now I forget what outfit it came bursting off of)
#7 - Lipstick, two mascara things (one for thickness the other for length), two eyeshadow things, an eyebrow brush and some eyebrow shader stuff.
#8 - My gym swipe keychain
#9 - Lip balm
#10 - Altoids
#11 - A paperclip and two hair clips
#12 - A business card from a local designer
#13 - A coupon card for a local coffee shop

All righty then. I think that's all I got. Now I know I'm supposed to tag someone to do this, but I'm not choosey. I want to see what's in EVERYBODY'S bag . . . so all 10 of my followers are tagged. And I'm even tagging you lurkers who refuse to follow me! (I can seeee youuuu!!!) If you are reading this and want to dump out your bag . . . do it!!! I am sooo nosey and would love to see the goodies that you guys carry around on a regular basis. That is all. Hope this wasn't too boring for yall.
