Thursday, March 1, 2012

Act Like a Woman, Think Like a Man

Taking a little break from the web series stuff this week and wanted to talk about something that makes me chuckle to myself.  I'm sure everyone's heard about the Steve Harvey book, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man.  And then there's the movie that's coming out with the same name.  Now there's a J-hud, Neo Rick Ross song called Think Like a Man.

Now the book, song and movie all have the same thing in common.  They're pretty-much telling women that they should think like men.  That's the main focus.  Okay, whatever.  I get it.  But what about the "Act Like a Lady" part?  I think that's where I'm having trouble, lol.  I was raised in a family with all women.  1 Single parent mom, 2 aunts, 2 sisters, a half sister and 1 step sister.  You would have thought that with all of this estrogen, I would have gotten at least one feminine trait.  The boyfriend argues with that...thank god!  (He's one of the few guys that can overlook my weirdness).

Either way, I could use some Act Like a Lady lessons in these 3 areas . . . 
1.  Clothing - I know that mixing and matching clothing and styles is "in" now, but I don't think that the clothes I wear is what fashionistas have in mind.  Kid you not, my every day, lounging around the house "go to" style is an oversized red, Coca-cola T-shirt tucked into a faded, black, chiffon skirt with long, white socks.  It looks HORRIBLE.  The only reason the boyfriend likes this outfit is because I only wear it when I don't feel like wearing underwear which is like everyday.  Ladylike?  I didn't think so.  And when I leave the privacy of my own home, it's no better.  My version of getting dressed up is putting on jeans.  And I can't wear high heels for longer than a half hour.
2.  Getting Out the Car - Can't do it.  Correction, can't do it without looking like a dude.  And if I'm wearing heels...just leave me in the damned thing.  The struggling and grunting that accompanies my getting out of a car is laughable and then a little sad.  Yeah, lessons please.
3.  Chit-chat - I SUCK at "lady-like" chit chat.  I snort when I laugh and like to talk about things that are gross.  For example, pooping.  That is like my favorite subject . . . pooping and movies.

So yeah, any help would be appreciated.  How about somebody focusing on the "Act Like a Lady" part of the book for a change?

Just a thought.  :-)

On another note...

I'm planning on applying to grad school.  Yes, you heard me.  All of those worries about being in debt for the rest of my life have taken a back seat to my worries about letting life pass me by.  I can't take another year of sitting in this living room applying to a bunch of low level jobs because I don't have the skills necessary to land something better.  I went to college so I wouldn't have to worry about that.  It's obvious that our country has shifted and now you need more than a 4 year degree to get the big normal, middle-class dollars.  Apparently, the only person that didn't know that was me.   So it's time to get my ish together.  When you know better . . . (sigh)  Either way, my plan is to move to California. My timeline is August of this year.  I have to take my GRE's and start doing research.  The thought of all of the work I have to do is a little scary, but exciting.  It's time to take another big chance.  I don't know if this is the direction God wants me to go in, but I'm getting tired of guessing what's going on with the Big Guy's plans for me.  He's a little hard to read these days, so I'm just going to go for it and regret (or celebrate) it later, like I've done my whole life.  I think it's safe to say that I suck at reading the "signs."

This plan kind of gives me the same feelings that I felt when I was about to leave for Japan.  Doubts, fears, excitement, adventure, confusion, worry, happiness, everything.  I'm just a big mixture of feelings.  Am I really going to go through with this?  Ahhh.  But it's coming.  Something's definitely coming, I can feel it.  So, as I've been telling everybody these days . . .

Send me good vibes people!


  1. Exciting that you're planning to apply to grad school!! What do you think you're going to study? :)

    About being ladylike...well...I suck at getting out of cars myself! Hahaha! Most of the time I'm falling out of cars...
    I also suck at lady-like chit chat..except I always end up talking about sex-related things, double entendres and such...I also have a sailor's mouth sometimes :)

    As far as clothing, you just have to figure out what style you want to go with. It takes time to accumulate items, but if you focus on what image/style you want to portray then you can get there. Also, browse thru different magazines and fashion blogs. Most of the stuff is ridiculous! But then you'll see little examples here and there that will spark your interest, and you can eventually make it your own. :)
    Good luck with everything!!

  2. @Mermaid - I LOVE your advice and the fact that you can recognize a cry for help when you read one, LOL. When I think about it, I do notice that all of my girlfriends tend to have fashion magazines sitting around their homes. I guess I just never made the correlation. Either way, now I have a starting point and will start looking into the fashion blogs and magazines.

    Also, I'm planning on getting my Masters in Cinema Arts. I get cold chills just thinking about it. I really hope I get accepted, but I just gotta dive into this rigorous application process. And thanks for the well wishes! :-)
