Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Occupy My Couch

All of this Occupy Wall Street business is really making me want to jump up off of this couch and get involved. Unfortunately, I can't afford that right now and have been continuing to get my job-hunt on. It hasn't stopped me from doing a silent fist-pump of defiance, however. I really admire what the OWS peeps are doing and hope that it will cause congress/large corporations to really change how they've been doing things if not out of respect for the American people, for the fear of them.

Good day, folks!


  1. Woot!! You don't need to get off the couch to get involved, girl!! What you're doing, just posting information, creating dialogue..it's so much more than you think! I got involved in the Occupy Boston movement..if you heard about the arrests from last weeks protests..well..I was one of the 141 :)
    This movement is so exciting in that it feels so different! There's just so much potential..and I'm always glad when others can see it as well.

  2. Greenest Mermaid!!! It's great to hear your voice again, lol. I can't believe you were arrested - and for an awesome cause . . . that's Badass, my friend! I'm an atheist when it comes to politics, but this cause is definitely different. It transcends politics. Everybody I know is excited about it, posting videos, and having conversations. We just really want to see where this goes. *Silent fist pump* 99% baby!
