Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mucus-like Observations

Since I'm coughing up the rest of what's left from this cold, I figured I'd get some other things off my chest too. A few small observations.

#1 - I don't like Beyonce's speaking voice. I just don't. It's too husky and Texan and, I dunno. I couldn't imagine being a guy and being turned on by it. Her singing voice, though, nothing to sneeze at.

#2 - I absolutely hate doing the dishes. The soggy fingernails and dirty dishrags . . . no! Oh, and washing clothes comes in at a close second.

#3 - There are a lot of perks to having a guy on your arm when you are a female. However, the one thing that can be annoying or . . . no, it's annoying . . . is that people will always adress the guy when talking to you as a couple. They address their questions to the guy, extend the handshake to the guy, make suggestions, observations, jokes, and eye contact with THE GUY. Oh, but they do always give the bill to the guy so there's a win in there for "the little lady" I guess, lol.

#4 - You can never have enough pairs of underwear. Or towels. You can never have enough towels.

#5 - Why do people pick on big foreheads when some of the most beautiful people in the world have big foreheads. I'll name a few.
- Iman,
- Tyra Banks (2 supermodels, in case you didn't know)
- Sade (that's pronounced Shah-day)
- Rihanna
- Lisa Raye
. . . the list goes on and on folks.
#6 - And yeah, that makes me angry. And yeah, I have a big a** forehead. And I'm sick of having to defend myself by constantly recalling this list of women that some damn body must have thought was attractive.

#7 - Being sick provides a great excuse for skipping out on work. However, when you are poor like myself and work part time, you have to drag your corpse-like body into work regardless. Thank goodness I am much better.

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