Yeah, yeah, sure, sure. I don't know if I'm a pessimist, so much as a cynic and a realist, which yeah resembles pessimism. But I assure you, tis NOT. Case in point, Michael Vick.
Now lemme preface this rant to say that I am a HUGE dog lover. I absolutely love my dog as if he's my real life baby. It's embarrassing how much one can love a creature that drinks out of the toilet and licks it's own genitals. I scoop up his crap with my hands every single day (that I don't get my beau to do it) and walk the big lug (he's 100 lbs) rain or shine, day in and day out. Not because I just love walking around the block several times a day, or because I'm a part of some neighborhood watch program, but because that's what floats the little guy's boat. He's graduated from puppy school (at PetSmart) and even gone through some special $2,000.00 program that has trained him to control his hyperactive butt when we go out for walks. He has a dog-sitter and a grandmom that spoils him rotten when I'm out of town. I mean this dog can't even sneeze without being taken straight to the vet. I say all of this to say, I LOVE dogs! (Actually, I'm a friend to all animals big and small).

Just insert me right there next to the bunny rabbits, swashling my feet around in the water . . . yes, swashling. I'll be the one gobbled up by the wolf, after he gets done with the poor deer that he's eyeing (or is he plotting on the egret?).
Anyway, so you would assume that as a current citizen of Philadelphia and a hardcore dog lover, the last thing I'd want to see is Michael Vick picked up by my city's team, the Philadelphia Eagles. To the contrary. I'm kinda glad they picked him up. I consider it an opportunity for him to use his fame for good. Why have the man in jail rotting for the rest of his life, when he could be a big force in turning around the dog fighting problem? Being that he is famous, and obviously can't commit the crime again, why not allow him to use his money and infamy to draw attention to dog fighting? It's a natural progression and from what I've heard, he's already started.
Now some people argue that his being allowed to play for the Eagles is comparable to allowing a serial killer to get off the hook. I don't agree with that because although dog-fighting is a horrible blood sport, it is still considered a sport for those who engage in it. Sport involves competition, adrenaline, action, large crowds and money. Serial killing on the other hand, is pretty much a lone hobby. It might involve some adrenaline and maybe even a little action, but as far as competition and money . . . not so much. And usually when someone is a serial killer, they got a lot of other things going on, like being mentally insane. So while Vick's dealings with dog fighting were extremely sick and hard to swallow, it's not too far-fetched when we consider the dark side of mankind's history especially in the name of sports. Lions vs. Christians anyone? Certainly doesn't make it right, but let's be real about it (realist, remember?)
In conclusion, he (and his friends and relatives) did a lot of horrible things to those dogs and it's great that he was punished and served a jail sentence and lost his football contract, his assets and the respect of many of his fans BUT I don't believe in punishment without end (one of the main reasons that I don't believe in hell). We're never going to be able to read the man's heart, so why not just leave that to God? The sad truth is he's not the first person to fight dogs and he's certainly not the last, but he did shine a spotlight on the sport in a big way this past year so I say we use that as an opportunity to take down the rest of those dog fighting mofos!
Tonight Michael Vick plays his first game with the Eagles and honestly I couldn't care less because I don't watch a lot of football. My boyfriend is trying to fix this problem, maybe we'll do a fantasy football team, lol.
But here's to second chances. I'll be praying that Vick's heart has really been turned around. Go Eagles! How's that for pessimism?
You know, today I got a comment (of course anonymous) on a post today daring me to not complain in a post. Which I deleted because I think there's someone trying to get under my skin but either way some people speak the truth, good or bad. What's so wrong with that!? Anyway, Michael Vick is Michael Vick and I'm sure he still has the same opinion of dogs. Just so long as he leaves mine alone I guess I can ignore him :)
ReplyDeleteConfucious say . . . He that go on someone's blog and complains that someone is complaining too much is a douche bag. Not my thoughts. That's what Confucious says.
ReplyDeleteAnd sorry Steffy, my friend, I'm going to have to disagree with you. If Michael Vick so much as sneezes in the direction of a dog (any dog), this whole article about second chances is null and void. lol