Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year All

2009 has officially come to an end. Although this has been a rather meh year for me, I have managed to scrounge up a few interesting recaps I'd like to share with all of you. I can't say that this year was "bad" or "good." It just was and personally I think that's exactly what I needed. I learned a lot, and I got to use a lot from what I've learned in 2008. As you can see, I didn't go anywhere to celebrate (I take it church doesn't count, lol). I'm just chilling here with my man-friend and waiting for the ball to drop on Farmville, lol. But I can't think of a better way to spend my New Year. Anywho, I don't have too much time before the ball drops, so here goes my little recap . . .

I moved twice (and also helped someone else to move)

I gave away 2 sets of furniture, bought someone a car and lent out more money than I ever remember lending in my life.

I bumped heads and clashed with my boss big time.

I blogged on a regular basis and actually picked up a few followers (how bout that for a change?! :-)

I experienced the death of a loved family member (and as a result, got a chance to reconnect with members of my family that I haven't seen in years)

I "went off" on someone during a religious conversation (which is sooooo not my personality)

I went to Disney World for the first time in my life (and then I went again)

I admitted that I was in love with my "man-friend"

I watched my nieces grow and develop their own individual personalities, hearing them express their feelings and opinions like "real life human beings" (go figure!)

I weighed more than I've ever weighed in my life

I realized that I will not be growing with the company I currently work at

I turned 26 (and celebrated my dog's 2nd birthday)

I didn't get my heart broken in a treacherous relationship (another change, lol)

I attended 2 weddings and got asked when I would get married about 2,645 times

I read the first 5 books of the bible

I saw my mother take a major step toward bettering her health

I got offered and accepted a job in Japan

I learned how to be discreet (haven't mastered it yet, though)

Ummmm . . . that's all I can think of for now. This year was really . . . I don't know. It just was. And that's okay. 2009 was officially a good year! Here's hoping that 2010 is even better.

Enjoy your New Year everyone and DRIVE SAFE!!!


  1. I was trying to come up with something ugly I could say anonymously, but guess I don't have it in me.

    So much for my being discreet.

    Happy New Year to you friend :D

  2. LMBO!!! Awww, it's the thought that counts Stephy! Thanks anyway, and Happy New Year!

  3. Have a wonderful and prosperous New Year! All the best to you in Japan! :) We'll miss you here in North America! :(

  4. Aw thanks Bighead! Happy New Year and I will miss you too.
