Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Post of Christmas Presents

I hope I don't lose some of yall with this. But this is that real -ish, ya mean?!? Just think of me as the Ghost of Christmas Realness!!!

I don't celebrate Christmas. I just don't. I haven't celebrated since I was like 2 years old. Maybe it's because I'm a grinch, maybe it's because my whole family never really celebrated it for religious reasons (which I don't discuss . . . see this post). I could celebrate Kwanzaa, but after all of these years of not celebrating anything around this season . . . it's more of a tradition for me to not celebrate. Despite my not celebrating this popular national holiday, the traditional aspect, the cheerful atmosphere and the celebratory food and drink are not lost on me. I find it lovely that people are reunited with old friends and family, giving to the needy (and the not so needy, lol), extending warm greetings and swapping war stories of overcrowded malls and restaurants. I love the smell of cinnamon and spices when I walk into stores and the lights and decorations are my favoritest part of the whole season. (That and egg nog!!! I absolutely loooove egg nogg! I drink gallons and gallons of it around this time. Probably why I experienced the horrible tragedy described in my last post.) I wish people were like this all year round (of course, excluding the complainers).

Either way, I always ALWAYS get the same pitiful/shocked/horrified question from people when they find out that I don't celebrate Christmas. I've been getting it from people since I was like 5 years old. Young and old have asked me, black and white, rich and poor. "YOU DON'T CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS?!?"

Me: No
Them: No gifts? You don't get any gifts?
Me: No, not for Christmas
Them: What are you going to DOOO?!?
Me: (and I swear, I say this every year) Go home, sit in a corner and cry.
Them: (Laughs) Oh Arnetta! You're so funny! (conversation continues with some kind of invitation to dinner or a sympathetic-or just plain pathetic-shoulder pat and slow head shake.)

Now, I don't mind being asked this question because it's quite confusing to people and rightfully so. This is a national tradition. Something that damn near EVERYBODY in America partakes in. I mean, think about it . . . it's called Christ - mas and even athiests are celebrating it. Even so, little Ms. Green does not and this leads people to believe that I have never received a gift in my whole, entire life.

I assure you! I get gifts and I give them too. I used to try to explain to people that I get gifts, go to dinner with close friends and family, and enjoy little traditions throughout the year (Of course, nobody has ever believed me. I can see it in their faces that they think this is my sad attempt to appear normal, lol). But what are ya gonna do? Can't convince'em all.

And that's the sad part and it's actually the inspiration behind this whole post . . . (drumroll please) . . . Christmas isn't only about gifts. It's also not the only time to give and be friendly to people. I have wrapped a dozen different presents this year, signed my name to a bunch of different cards, given thousands of dollars to needy relatives, donated items to the Salvation Army, given money to beggars and crackheads, given toys to children, picked up items that have reminded me of someone and painstakingly painted portraits for people that I love. I do all of these things and the kicker is that I don't celebrate Christmas. I do it because I love and care about these people all year round. (I know I sound really self-righteous . . . but all jokes aside. It's true.)

All of the people who think that I don't ever receive gifts are the people that have never thought to give me one. And another kicker . . . these are also people that I have given gifts to. So the next time someone tells you that they don't celebrate Christmas, rather than asking them about gifts . . . please think of this post instead. And think about all of the times that you have received a gift or given someone something out of the bottom of your heart, rather than because your calendar says it's time to do it. That . . . my friends . . . is the true meaning of Christmas!

I bid you adieu! Be safe and enjoy your holiday!!! :-)


  1. I read yesterday and today I comment.

    Gee, I'm slow and it's not like I was taking time to come up with a really great comment etiher- shit!

    Too bad we don't live closer...I'd prefer to not celebrate Christmas & need to know more people that don't so I have something to do with all this free time.

  2. Don't worry . . . I won't be handing out tardy slips until the new year, lol. I would love it if you lived nearby, me and my non-Christmas celebrating friends/fam go to the movies.
